Projected Growth in CSL Dividends Through 2028

Quick Overview:

Company Name: CSL Ltd’s share price has seen significant growth over the past decade, with predictions for continued dividend increases through to 2028.

Top Points to Note:

  • FY24 Projection: Analysts expect CSL to see an approximate 10% dividend per share increase, translating to a 1.5% yield in Australian dollars.
  • FY25 Forecast: An anticipated rise in net profit could see dividends climb another 10% to US$2.86 per share.
  • Looking Forward to FY26 and Beyond: Continued profit growth could result in a near 10% increase in dividends annually, potentially reaching US$3.80 per share by FY28.


With CSL’s substantial investments in R&D and new product development, the firm is positioning itself for sustainable growth and shareholder returns. These forecasts suggest a promising future for investors, with dividends on track to rise steadily, reflecting the company’s financial health and commitment to shareholder value.

Concluding Thought:

The foresight into CSL’s dividend trajectory to 2028 presents an optimistic picture for both current and prospective shareholders. This projected increase is a testament to the company’s robust performance and strategic outlook, suggesting that CSL might remain a compelling consideration for dividend-seeking portfolios in the medium to long term.